
High Quality General Dentistry Vietnam


General Dentistry involves preventation, diagnosis and treatment of a variety of conditions, disorders and diseases related to the teeth, gums or maxillofacial (associated with the jaw and face) region of the body. In other words, general dentistry is related to the general maintanance of oral hygiene and tooth health.
Dental Treatment Vietnam

Dentistry is preventive. According to the American Dental Association, you should visit your dentists at least once every six months to ensure proper oral hygiene and functionality. Regular chekups and oral health maintainance can prevent the development of dental problems that might lead to costly treatment. If you remain vigilant and visit your dentist regularly, you can enjoy exceptional dental health.


The cost of general dental treatment at our Dental Center in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam is relatively lower than most other countries, including those in the Asia region, whilst still maintain high international dental standards.

Are you looking for cheap and good quality dental implants abroad? What are you waiting for? Contact Dr Hung & Associates Dental Center in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam now at (+84-8)39257526 for your quote, flight & accommodation booking as well as airport pickup. All are free of charge.

For more information on Booking Procedure, please click here

Below is a list of the general dental works available at Dental Center Vietnam:
  • Root Canal Treatment: is one of the most common dental procedures performed, well over 14 million every year. This simple treatment can save your natural teeth and prevent the need of dental implants or bridges.
  • Composite Filling: Once cavity is detected it should be treated immediately. Filling a tooth before having toothache is better for you, because having pain means the cavity has grown and might have affected the root, in which case the treatment will be more complicated and you might need to have a root canal.
  • Wisdom Tooth Extraction: Poor alignment of wisdom teeth can crowd or damage adjacent teeth, the jawbone, or nerves. Wisdom teeth also can be impacted — they are enclosed within the soft tissue and/or the jawbone or partially break through or erupt through the gum.
  • Teeth Night Guard: can prevent you from teeth grinding at night, which might lead to dental problems such as constant headache or sore jaw.
  • Gummy Smile Treatment: is not too complicated, and has become very popular in cosmetic dentistry in recent years. Statistics have shown that 15-20% of Asian people have gummy smile, and hundreds of thousands of cases have been resolved.
  • Laser-assisted Treatments For Gingivitis And Periodontitis

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