
Laminate/Porcelain Veneer

A beautiful, healthy smile makes the first impression last. In our dental center, every patient who wants a perfect smile will be examined carefully. We will take the impression of your jaw. Then our specialist will study your case thoroughly using the smile design software and will recommend the best treatment(s) for you. Finally, we can help you achieve the gorgeous smile through the wide range of services we offer at our dental center.
Smile design is the process of improving the appearance of your smile through one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as veneers, composite bonding, tooth implants and teeth whitening.

Smile design Considerations

Smile design takes into consideration your facial appearance, skin tone, hair color, teeth (color, width, length, shape and tooth display), gum tissue and lips, to develop your ideal smile. Smile makeovers are performed for many reasons and customized according to your specific needs.
Dental Esthetics include the following components:
Tooth Color: Dark or discolored teeth may suggest an aged mouth. A beautiful smile comprises of bright, white teeth tends to a youthful appearance. Silver or amalgam fillings can be replaced with natural, tooth-colored composite restorations, while teeth whitening can improve the color for stained or dulled teeth. Tooth color and shading are very important factors during our evaluation and preparation for various procedures (such as porcelain veneers, crowns, bridges, composite bonding and dental implants). Cosmetic dentists are skilled at finding the right balance between providing you with a brighter, whiter smile and maintaining a natural tooth color.
Alignment and Spacing: Teeth that are crooked, overlapping or have gaps between can be straightened and aligned if necessary through orthodontics or Invisalign, and can also be improve with veneers.
Missing Teeth: One or more missing teeth can affect the appearance of your smile, your bite and increase the risk of tooth decay. Replacing missing tooth is an integral part of oral health and facial esthetics. Missing teeth can be replaced by dental implants, bridges or over-dentures.
Harmony and Balance: Uneven, chipped and cracked teeth can be cosmetically bonded to improve appearance, and a gummy smile can be re-contoured to improve the overall smile.
Fuller Lips, Smile and Cheeks: An unusual or aging face can be improved or rejuvenated with certain smile design procedures, including orthodontics and/or oral maxillo-facial surgery.
A cosmetic dentist will work closely with you and other specialists to develop a treatment that can achieve exactly what you want for your makeover. This treatment plan may consist of many cosmetic and functionally restorative procedures, potentially including teeth whitening, composite bonding, veneers, dental crowns, orthodontics (braces), oral maxillofacial surgery and gummy smile reduction.

Aesthetic Components of a Smile Makeover

There are several attributes for your teeth and smile that your cosmetic dentist will evaluate when planning your smile makeover. These include the following:
Tooth Length: Long teeth lend a youthful appearance. Aging produces wear and tear that often results in shorter teeth, and a gummy smile also can make teeth appear shorter. Smile design treatments for shorter teeth may include reshaping and lengthening the two front central teeth with composite bonding or porcelain veneers. If you have a gummy smile, your cosmetic dentist can modify the gum line and lengthen the appearance of the teeth using laser dentistry procedures. You may also be referred to a periodontics for crown lengthening if necessary.
Teeth lengthening can improve your overall facial appearance. For example, shapely, long, square teeth on a round-faced individual can provide a slimming effect.
Smile Line: The smile line is an imaginary line that follows the edges of your upper teeth from side to side, which ideally should be the same as the curve of your lower lip when you smile. This standard point of reference for smile makeovers may be used to help determine how long your new teeth should be.
Tooth Proportions: Your cosmetic dentist will examine your teeth to determine if they are in correct proportion with each other. Most people recognize a good-looking smile as one in which the two central front teeth are dominant and have a width-to-length ratio of 4-to-5. This proportion guides the length and width of other teeth in the esthetic zone so that the smile line appears balanced.
Tooth Texture and Characterization: Cosmetic dentists performing smile makeovers are adapt at blending functionality and esthetics. An artistic dentist can characterize your crowns or veneers to create a more feminine or a more masculine appearance, in addition to matching the look and feel of natural teeth.


A laminate veneer is a thin layer of porcelain that is bonded to the tooth’s surface to protect a damaged tooth (such as stained or darkened tooth, broken and chipped tooth, diastema, foreshortened tooth) or to improve its esthetics. They enable the dentist to change the appearance, size, color, spacing, and to a minor extent, the positioning of teeth.
veneer at drhung, veneer vietnam


Laminate veneer requires 2 steps (over 2 – 4 days period)
Step 1:
In the first visit, the tooth is prepared for the veneer placement. Tooth preparation varies from polishing the teeth to removing tooth structure from the front, biting edges or sides of the teeth with a dental drill. In addition to the starting condition of the teeth, the amount removed is dependent on the desired result, and position of the teeth; overall the goal is to remove as little tooth structure as possible. You do not need root canal for veneer procedures, and the amount of tooth being polished is very little (0.3mm – 0.5mm) so that your natural tooth can be preserved. An impression of the reduced tooth is taken so that a customized laminate veneer can be made. The laminate veneer are made directly at our lab in-house with CAD/CAM technique so that we can control and maintain the high quality.
Step 2:
In the second visit (1 to 2 days later), the tooth and inside portion of the constructed veneer are etched and coated with resin cement, and the veneer is attached to the tooth. Once the veneer is placed on the tooth, a high-intensity light is projected on the veneer to harden the bonding material. The resulting veneer looks like a natural tooth.
Laminate veneer procedures usually take 2 to 4 days. To achieve best result, we recommend total treatment time of 4 days, with 3 days to complete porcelain veneer and 1 day for the final checkup more carefully.
Laminate veneer is a specialized technique that requires the doctor to have a high degree of expertise and aesthetic.


Laminate veneer is a perfect solution for you if your teeth are colored, little broken, small chipped, a bit worn or uneven… and you crave a beautiful smile. Laminate veneer can make your teeth look more even than bonding, and will not stain or chip as frequently as bonding.

Some images of laminate veneer  at Dr. Hung & Associates Dental Center 



Porcelain veneer content Zirconia frame inside & thin layer porcelain outside for  more stronger & beautiful of front teeth which are worn teeth, big broken teeth, deviation teeth,…
Porcelain veneer procedure need grinding the natural teeth more than laminate veneer. In some cases it need to do root canal treatment before doing porcelain veneer.


There are many types of dental porcelain and the quality and prices vary on the current market.
At Dr. HUNG & ASSOCIATES DENTAL CENTER, we use best brand porcelain name such as: VITA, EMAX, IVOCLAR VIVADENT from EU, ZIRCONIA from US
We use CAD/ CAM (Computer aided design / Computer aided manufacturing) technology to make your new laminate/Porcelian veneer accurately, beautifully and safe more time than the traditional method.
At Dr Hung & Associates Dental Center , you will be satisfied with 5-Star Dental Center service standards: professional team, advanced equipment, highest quality warranty policy, relaxing space and the “Attentive – Gentle – Careful” service which will give you the perfect treatment result . 

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