
Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Treatment

Along with the development of science nowadays, snorning sleep apnea can be screened with advanced equipment to identify patients having sleep disordered breathing or not.
With a team of specialized doctors and advanced equipment at Dr Hung & Associates Dental center, we are proud to be one of the leading who can perform screening and treating OSA.
How can we do the screening for snoring & obstructive sleep apnea?
We use ApneaLink – the most advanced screening devices for sleep apneas disorder currently. With this device, the data obtained after your sleeping in one night will be recorded and analyzed carefully by our experts. Then we can decide if you need to have immediate treatment or we need to take another study.

How can we do Snoring & obstructive sleep apnea treatment?
By using Anti snoring appliance:
Made in our Lab-in House of Dr Hung & Associates Dental Center: This is the special designing device to make the airway open by moving the lower jaw forward so that you can have a good and tight sleep.
chong ngay drhung
By using Night-laser :
This is an noninvasive , quick and very gentle treatment. Night-Laser treatment laser light heats the tissue, causing tightening of the tissue which leads to an attenuation of the sound of the patients snoring and a lessening of the effects of sleep apnea. A full course of Night-Laser treatment is comprised of three separate treatment sessions over a six week period. The final result of the treatment has been shown to last up to a year. When the patients or their loved ones notice the effects eroding, another round of treatment can be performed.

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